Wego Engineering

Docs, guidelines and compromising photos

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JavaScript style guide for Wego

Everyone has an opinion on how to write JavaScript. Here's ours.

Building block of a prototypical structure

A sample class.

// The following example is an example and not to be taken as actual
// working code.

// Wrap your stuff inside a closure to be `call(this)` later (which usually pass
// in the `window` context.
(function() {

  // Read https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions_and_function_scope/Strict_mode
  // This is mandatory - future pull requests without this will fail.
  "use strict";

  // You need to bind it a global `Wego` object to be used later.
  var Map = Wego.Map = function(el, options) {
    // Only optional arguments should be passed in as an `options` hash.
    // What is defined as required or not is purely up to the creator of the code.

    // Throw an error if required arguments are not available (should we?)
    if (!el) {
      throw new Error('Cannot create new instance of Map without an element');

    // Prepares the `options` in case it's `undefined`
    options = options || {};

    // `this.$el` should usually be the parent container.
    this.$el = $(el);

    // Prefer `.data` over `.attr` in these cases because `.data` allows you
    // to pass in a JSON object.

    // Try to keep the `data` attributes namespace to this code class so
    // multiple objects can be bound to one element.

    // Optional arguments should have at least one `||` fallback
    this._params = options.params || this.$el.data('map-params');

    // There should always be 2 ways to define options in order:
    // - The `data-*` attribute on the element itself (priority)
    // - Passed in as a hash when calling the constructor
    this._mapId = options.mapId || this.$el.data('map-id');

    // Or something more than 1 `||` fallbacks if needed
    this._instant = options.instant || this.$el.data('map-instant') || false;

    // It's good to specify variables here if it's gonna be used more than once
    // or be overridden by the caller
    this._stateClass = options.stateClass || 'is-closed';

    // Optionally your code should accept callbacks for others to use
    // Prefix callbacks with `on`.
    // `noop` is a function that does nothing when called, perfect fallback
    // for callbacks.
    this._onToggle = options.onToggle || $.noop;

    // Call the initializer

  // We chose to put all (public/private) methods as prototypes instead of
  // defining in constructors because of memory issues versus no real
  // gains otherwise.
  _.extend(Map.prototype, {
    // Public methods should appear before private methods so it's easier
    // to find when people want to use this class.
    toggle: function() {

      // This specific callback will be called here. Where you put the callbacks
      // is up to you.

      // If you want your methods to be chainable, add this. Could be useful.
      return this;

    // Since we use fake private methods, all private methods should be
    // prefixed with a `_`. No one outside this class should be calling any
    // methods from here on.
    _initialize: function() {
      // If a variable is used more than once, it's generally good to set a
      // `var` for it to reduce scope lookup.
      var mapId = this._mapId;

      // Do stuffs here that must be called on init.

    // Since most scripts will require binding events to DOM or otherwise,
    // generally we put them all here, which in turn calls all the other
    // binding methods.
    _bind: function() {

    _bindClickExample: function() {
      var self = this;

        .on('click.map', '[data-map-toggle]', function(e) {
          // Stop browser default behaviors
          // Can be used to stop pjax (if you need to)
          // This can be used in jQuery context to act as both above
          // but avoid using this because it can be confusing.
          return false; // DO NOT DO THIS.

    _bindToggle: function() {
      var self = this;
        // Remember to give your event namespaces so they can be removed if
        // needed without affecting other events.
        // Also good to remove prior events before binding new one to avoid
        // event stacking for no reasons.
        .on('toggle.map', function(e) {
          // Then calls the public method for toggling, up to you.

  // After a class has been initialized, usually any trigger of events is bound
  // to the DOM the class is associated with, so we send the DOM an event it cannot
  // refuse.
  $(window).on('resize scroll load DOMContentLoaded', _.throttle(function() {
  }, 1000));

// Remember to add this after using `use strict` because strict mode has no
// implicit global/`window`.

Finally to use the above class:

<div class="elem" data-map-id="123"></div>

// should init with `_mapId = 123`
new Wego.Map($('.elem'));

// should init with `_mapId = 1234`
new Wego.Map($('.elem'), { mapId: 1234 });

// add a callback to be called when toggle is triggered
new Wego.Map($('.elem'), {
  onToggle: function() { console.log('pew'); }

Source Code Layout





Some of the guidelines here are directly taken from Airbnb's JavaScript Style Guide.